Last updated: 10th December 2024.

To assist in providing its Services, Libresoft works with service providers, subprocessors, and affiliates to support data processing activities on behalf of Libresoft Customers, Subscribers and Authorised Users, as outlined in our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) which is located at

When Libresoft partners with a third-party service provider as a data processor for the personal data of our Customers, these service providers are referred to as subprocessors under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and various other global data protection regulations. Subprocessors are service providers who have, or may have, access to or process personal data that Libresoft handles for, and on behalf of, its Customers.

Please see clause 10 of the DPA for further details of Libresoft’s relationship with subprocessors.

NameDataPurpose of processingEntity country
Harrap Computer Systems LtdCustomer, Subscriber and Authorised User data; data entered into the ServicesTo support technical, administrative and other functions as requestedUnited Kingdom
ANSCustomer, Subscriber and Authorised User data; data entered into the ServicesTo provide hosting services for Libresoft’s ServicesUnited Kingdom
FreshworksSubscriber and Authorised user data; data entered into support ticketsTo provide technical support as requestedUnited States of America
AWSCustomer, Subscriber and Authorised User data; data entered into the ServicesTo provide onboarding and administration services for Subscribers; to provide hosting services for Libresoft’s ServicesUnited Kingdom

Changes to or addition of subprocessors: Libresoft will endeavour to let you know of upcoming subprocessor changes with reasonable notice via email, system notifications or other methods.

You acknowledge that Libresoft’s subprocessors are essential to provide the services, and you may choose to suspend or terminate your Subscription without penalty (without prejudice to any Subscription Fees incurred by the Customer up to and including the date of suspension or termination).